Browsing by Author "Simiyu, Justo M"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Analysis of Macroeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in Kenya
Nyaruirumugure, Margaret; Simiyu, Justo M; Bunde, Aggrey O (2017-09)Kenya vision 2030, seeks to achieve an economic growth rate of 10%per annum beginning the year 2012 henceforth. However, although economic growth rate has been on an upward trend since 2010, this ... -
Credit and Debit Card Usage and Cash Flow Management Control by Customers: Evidences from Commercial Banks Customers in Kisumu City, Kenya
Simiyu, Justo M; Gedion, Momanyi; Isaac, Naibei K; Juma, Odondo A (2012-10)In the recent past, the banking sector in Kenya has witnessed a rapid growth, issuing thousands of credit cards and millions of debit cards to their customers. The frequency in which customers use these ... -
Effect of Budgeting on Public Sector Wage Bill Management by the Government of Kenya
Nyakundi, Mogere H; Simiyu, Justo M; Mugenda, Nebat G (Science Publishing Group, 2016-05)The main aim of budgeting by the government is to create plans on how to source, allocate and spend public resources prudently to meet allocation, development and stabilization objectives. All ... -
Effect of Debt Finance on Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Maara Sub-county, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya
Kirimi, Peter N; Simiyu, Justo M; Murithi, Dennis (Science Publishing Group, 2017-08-03)Debt financing is the acquisition of funds through borrowing. Most Sacco’s results into borrowing to finance their increased customer’s demands thus increasing the leverage if not controlled. This study determined the ... -
The Effect of Dividend Announcementon Share Price Changes for Companieslisted at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya
Ndung’u, Samwel K; Simiyu, Justo M; Galo, Nebat; Mbogo, John (2014)The study sought to determine the nature of relationship between Dividend per Share and Share Price Changes, and the rate at which Share Prices reflect Dividend Announcement information for stocks traded at the Nairobi ... -
Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Public Sector Employment Levels in Kenya
Simiyu, Justo M; Kiminza, Peter (2017)The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of Foreign Direct Investment on public sector wage levels in Kenya. . FDI in an economy helps in promoting economic efficiency gains into the economy ... -
Effect of Government Infrastructure Investment on Economic Growth in Kenya
Njiru, Elizabeth W; Simiyu, Justo M; Bunde, Aggrey O (2020)Government investment in infrastructure is a precursor to the achievement of sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction goals of any economy. Despite shortage of capital, the Kenyan government has continuously ... -
Effect of Government Infrastructure Investment on Economic Growth in Kenya
Njiru, Elizabeth W; Simiyu, Justo M; Bunde, Aggrey O (2020)Government investment in infrastructure is a precursor to the achievement of sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction goals of any economy. Despite shortage of capital, the Kenyan government has continuously ... -
Simiyu, Justo M; Waithaka, Samuel (2015-11)The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of Organization Culture and Information Technology on implementation of business strategy. Exploratory research design ... -
Simiyu, Justo M (2015-11)In the Banking sector, banks have traditionally relied on asset bases and sizefor competitive advantage but this is becoming more difficult to sustain owing to competition. Despite the benefits ... -
Effect of Profitability Ratio on Bankruptcy Prediction of Dairy Cooperative Societies in Meru County, Kenya
Murige, Sammy M; Simiyu, Justo M; Kimathi, Henry (East African Journal of Business and Economics, 2023)Many sectors of the economy across the globe are concerned with the avoidance of bankruptcy in order to operate as going concerns. The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of financial analysis on bankruptcy ... -
Effect of Profitability Ratio on Bankruptcy Prediction of Dairy Cooperative Societies in Meru County, Kenya
Murige, Sammy M; Simiyu, Justo M; Kimathi, Henry (2023)Many sectors of the economy across the globe are concerned with the avoidance of bankruptcy in order to operate as going concerns. The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of financial analysis on bankruptcy ... -
Effectiveness of Commercial Banks’ Strategies on the Frequency of Customers’ ATM Card Usage: A Case of Commercial Banks in Embu West District, Kenya
Simiyu, Justo M (Science Publishing Group, 2017-10)The emergence of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) has caused the greatest transformation in the banking industry. Its introduction significantly revolutionized the practice of banking by availing accessibility on a 24-hour ... -
Relationship Between Cash Management Practices and Performance of Agency Banking Firms: A Case of Commercial Bank Agency Firms in Imenti-South Sub-County, Kenya
Simiyu, Justo M (2017-09)Agency banking was introduced in Kenya in May 2010 and by the year 2013; thirteen banks out of 43 had embraced the innovation. The innovation was intended to assist in financial inclusion and reduction of ... -
Relationship Between Service Diversification and Performance of Agency Banking Firms: A Case of Commercial Bank Agency Firms in Imenti-South Sub-County, Kenya
Simiyu, Justo M (2017-09)The Kenya Banking sector has demonstrated a solid growth over the past few years.The industrycontinues to offer significant profit opportunities for themajor participants and this has compelled banks to ... -
Revenue Forecasting Approach Towards Public Sector Wage Bill Management Dilemma in Kenya
Nyakundi, Mogere H; Simiyu, Justo M; Mugenda, Nebat G (Science Publishing Group, 2017-05)The Kenyan government has been working towards achieving fiscal sustainability in wage bill expenditure since independence. Fiscal sustainability is key to achieving economic growth and progress as most resources would be ...