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Influence Of Prison Care On Drug Abuse Among Prison Inmates: A Case Of Kangeta Prison, Meru County, Kenya
(2023-11)Drugs and substance abuse problem affects the moral fabric of societies all over the world. These drugs find their way into prison institutions globally. Kenyan prisons are also affected by the drug and substance abuse ... -
Effect of Profitability Ratio on Bankruptcy Prediction of Dairy Cooperative Societies in Meru County, Kenya
(2023)Many sectors of the economy across the globe are concerned with the avoidance of bankruptcy in order to operate as going concerns. The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of financial analysis on bankruptcy ... -
Evaluation of Selected Green Gram (Vigna Radiata) Varieties Against Insect Pests Infestation in The Field, Tharaka Sub-County, Kenya
(2023-10)Background: Green grams farming plays a vital role in Tharaka and the country(Kenya) at large by ensuring food security, creating employment for rural households and greatly contributing to the national economy. However, ... -
Father absenteeism on social vulnerability among modern families in kenyan urban households: a case study of kibra county, nairobi, kenya
(2017-09)The study set out to investigate the impacts of father absenteeism on social vulnerability among Kenyan modern households in Kibra County. Interviews and observation were predominantly employed in data collection, with ... -
Creation of Identities in Political Conflict: Kenya’s Newspaper Discourse
(International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 2016-10)This article looks into the construction of political identities in the discourse of two Kenyan newspaper headline stories covering the period of the Kenyan Coalition Government formed in 2008 to stem political conflict ... -
Areas of Ethnic Polarization between the Aembu and Ambeere Communities in Embu County, Kenya (2010 – 2022)
(2023)The study focused on how ethnic polarization influenced governance among the Ambeere and the Aembu of Embu County, Kenya between 2010 and 2022. It was envisioned that symbiotic patriotism transcended between the devolved ... -
Gendered Politics in Post-Independence Kenya: The Case of Lower Eastern Region.
(THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES, 2023-09)Women make up a significant proportion of the population, accounting for over half of the global population. Despite this, their participation in politics has always been lower than that of men. In Kenya, women constitute ... -
Action and variation potential electrical signals in higher plants
(African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021)This review evaluates the types of electrical signals (ESs) in plants, generation and propagation of various ESs, their ways of transmission within the plant body and their corresponding physiological significance. It also ... -
Ungodliness or dissidence? A critical (re)valuation of religious internet memes
(IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2023-08)Religious subjects are rarely taken head on in artistic or public discourses. For instance, seldom are holy scriptures or teachings openly questioned given the hallowed nature of religious matters. This, however, does not ... -
Translog cost function analysis for manufacturing sector in kenya
(International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 2021-02)Developing countries need to have in place a vibrant manufacturing sector since it is a key driver of economic growth and development. This is because the sector enables a country to be competitive, boosts productivity and ... -
Effect of Treasury Bill Rate on Exchange Rate Level and Volatility in Kenya.
(International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management (IJMREM), 2018-01)Government through central bank sells or purchase Treasury bills to represent government securities’ interest rate in open markets operations with the aim of influencing liaquidity conditions in the financial system. Again ... -
Prevalence of bacterial nosocomial infections in matibabu foundation hospital and ukwala sub county referral hospital in Siaya County
(Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open Access, 2016-09)Nosocomial infection is an infection that is contracted from the environment or staff of a healthcare facility. This infection can transmitted to a susceptible patient in a clinical setting by a number of medium including ... -
Underutilization of Healthcare Services among Clients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, 2016-01)Under utilization of health care services among clients with HIV/AIDs has been a major setback in making drugs adherence effective to prolong live, therefore this study was designed to investigate the factors contributing ... -
Exploring the Dynamic Role of Gamma-Delta T Cells in Clinical Pathology: A Systematic Review of Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives
(East African Journal of Health and Science, 2023)Gamma-delta [γδ] T cells are a significant subset of T cells with ability to recognize many antigens without the guidance of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. A lot of studies have been conducted on them ... -
Organophosphate Pesticide Residues in Food Products in Kenya and their Chromatographic Detection: A Systematic Review
(East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2023)Organophosphate pesticides are used worldwide to control several pests and meet food demand. These chemicals harm non-target animals and people when misused. Thus, they are a health and environmental concern. The purpose ... -
Effect of bacillus subtilis on bean nematodes in Kenya: A laboratory and green house experiment
(International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 2016-08)Nematodes have been causing big losses in the yields and quality of crops worldwide. Bacteria are major biocontrol agents. Laboratory and green house experiments were conducted at the University of Nairobi College of ... -
Pre-Colonial Kamba People and Women’s Political Mobilization
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN SOCIAL SCIENCE (IJRISS), 2023-06)Participation of women in politics is of paramount importance. This is because its within the politics that resource allocation and conflicts resolution takes place. People join politics to pursue self-interests and ... -
Oralizing Global Pandemics: The Case of Selected Covid-19 Responsive Topical Songs from Africa
(International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 2023-05)The functional nature of Africa’s orality has always been manifest in its potency of serving specific needs of the society in which it originates. It is on this premise that this paper seeks to appraise oral artists’ commitment ... -
Effect of substituting maize in the grower diet with ground Prosopis juliflora pods on performance of indigenous chicken in Kenya
(2018-11-07)Ninety-six KARLO improved chicken (KIC) aged 8 weeks were used to study the effect of replacing the maize component in commercial grower feed with Prosopis juliflora pods on growth performance. A commercial grower feed, ... -
Effect of replacing complete grower diet with ground Prosopis juliflora pods on performance of improved indigenous chicken in Kenya
(2017-03)Ninety-six KALRO improved chicken (KIC) aged 8 weeks were used to study the effect of feeding diets incorporated with different levels of ground Prosopis juliflora pods (GPJP) on growth performance. A commercial grower ...