Browsing Research Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 214
[3 + 2] Cycloaddition and Cascade Radical Reactions for the Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Tetrahydrobenzodiazepin-3-ones
(2019-04-01)A reaction sequence involving three-component [3 + 2] cycloaddition of azomethine ylides followed by CuI catalyzed cascade trifluoromethyl radical addition and cyclization is developed for diastereoselective synthesis of ... -
[3+2] Cycloaddition-based one-pot synthesis of 3,9-diazabicyclo[4.2.1]nonane-containing scaffold
(2017-01)Three-component [3+2] cycloaddition followed by reduction and lactamization has been developed as a one-pot methodology for diastereoselective synthesis of 3,9-diazabicyclo[4.2.1]nonane-containing scaffold. -
Access to Information, Personal and Social Needs as Learner Support Services in Open, Distance and E-Learning Programme in Selected Public Universities in Kenya
(2020)Rapid technological changes in education have become paramount towards meeting educational demands. The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has helped in bringing down the traditional barriers of access of ... -
Action and variation potential electrical signals in higher plants
(African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021)This review evaluates the types of electrical signals (ESs) in plants, generation and propagation of various ESs, their ways of transmission within the plant body and their corresponding physiological significance. It also ... -
Adequacy Of Physical Resources And Effective Implementation Of Competence Based Curriculum In Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya.
(IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 2023-12)Countries all over the globe are engaged in curriculum reforms to incorporate competencies into their education systems. The intention is to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to succeed in ... -
Adsorption of Lead (II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions Using Mangroves Roots (Rhizophora Mucronata) Charcoal-Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposite
(2021-02)Providing clean and affordable water to meet human needs is a grand challenge of the 21st century. Worldwide, water supply struggles to keep up with the fast growing demand, which is exacerbated by population growth, global ... -
Adsorption of rhodamine b from aqueous solution using mangroves (Rhizophora mucronata) carbon nanotubes nanocomposites
(2021-03-03)The use of dyes has increased dramatically and uncontrollably in last few decades. Different types of dyes are frequently employed in plastics, paper, cosmetics, leather, and textile industries for coloring purposes. These ... -
African Indigenous Guidance and Counselling &Child Socialization Agents: Evaluating Aembu peoples’ Perception in the Redeemed Gospel Church, Embu County, Kenya
(2020)The aim of this article is to evaluatethe perception of Pentecostal Christians in regard tothe importance of the indigenous guidance and counselling amongthe Aembu indigenous society. In the latter, they ... -
African Philosophy of Education: Analysis of the Neglected Ideals of Nyerere’s Ujamaa
(2017)The ideals of education in Ujamaa philosophy as enunciated by Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the founder president of Tanzania, are neglected phenomena in African education. In about fifty decades of offering education in Africa, ... -
Albinism, Witchcraft, and Superstition in East Africa: Exploration of Bio-cultural Exclusion and Livelihood Vulnerability
(2014-04-16)Profuse media reports and discourse on the plight of Persons with Albinism (PWA) in East Africa in the recent times raise the question of livelihood security of a minority group. PWA constitutes a group of people that are ... -
Analysis of Effect of Inclined Magnetic Field on MHD Boundary Layer Flow over a Porous Exponentially Stretching Sheet Subject to Thermal Radiation
(2021-10-30)MHD flow has a wide range of industrial applications such as MHD propulsion for space exploration, cooling of nuclear reactors, electronic packages, microelectronic devices, and many more. Due to this, a study on the ... -
Analysis of Macroeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in Kenya
(2017-09)Kenya vision 2030, seeks to achieve an economic growth rate of 10%per annum beginning the year 2012 henceforth. However, although economic growth rate has been on an upward trend since 2010, this ... -
An anti-locality restriction on subject wh-phrases in Kîîtharaka
(2011-04)This paper investigates the syntactic restrictions on subject wh-questions in Kîîtharaka, an SVO Bantu language spoken in Kenya (Code E54, according to the classification by Guthrie). Subject wh-phrases exhibit two closely ... -
Application Lifecycle Management Activities For Quality Assurance In Software Development
(2017-11)Lifecycle Management approaches promise more systematic and efficient ways to support the development and management of complex products. The concept of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) indicates the coordination of ... -
Application of Open Source Tools and Cloud Computing Technologies in Real-time Data Collection and Analysis
(2015-06-06)Cloud Computing technologies is a new phenomenon that though fully utilized and implemented in developed countries, its power is yet to be tapped in a number of developing countries. There are a different ... -
Aqua-Feed Wastes: Impact on Natural Systems and Practical Mitigations—A Review
(2020-12)Dietary composition of aquaculture feeds (aquafeeds) determines the quality of wastes from aquaculture production systems. These wastes, which are derived mainly from nitrogenous and phosphorus ... -
Architectural health data standards and semantic interoperability: a comprehensive review in the context of integrating medical data into big data analytics
(2023-08)The integration of medical data into Big Data analytics holds significant potential for advancing healthcare practices and research. However, achieving semantics interoperability, wherein data is exchanged and interpreted ... -
Arduino Uno, Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Motion Detector with Display of Distance in the LCD
(International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2020-05)- Motion detection has become one of the great areas of research in the world. Many activities are carried out in the presence of motion. One of the research focus has been the use of Arduino Uno microcontroller, Ultrasonic ... -
Areas of Ethnic Polarization between the Aembu and Ambeere Communities in Embu County, Kenya (2010 – 2022)
(2023)The study focused on how ethnic polarization influenced governance among the Ambeere and the Aembu of Embu County, Kenya between 2010 and 2022. It was envisioned that symbiotic patriotism transcended between the devolved ... -
Assessment of Carbon Sequestration and Reflective Properties of High-Albedo C3 and C4 Plant Species: A Laboratory Approach
(Acta Scientific NUTRITIONAL HEALTH, 2024-12)This study explores the dual potential of high-albedo C3 and C4 plant species to mitigate regional climate change through carbon sequestration and reflective properties. C3 and C4 plants differ in their photosynthetic ...