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dc.contributor.authorGabriel, Mutinda M
dc.contributor.authorKuria, Kamweru P
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)en_US
dc.description.abstract- Motion detection has become one of the great areas of research in the world. Many activities are carried out in the presence of motion. One of the research focus has been the use of Arduino Uno microcontroller, Ultrasonic sensor, passive infrared sensor and many others to sense and measure distances. The goal is to measure and monitor human activity remotely, and using less manpower as much as possible. This study aimed at designing a sensor that can easily measure how far the object is, monitor change of distances as the object approach and display the results in the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), give a light coded signal and a sound alarm. The hardware utilized included the Arduino Uno on a bread board interfaced with LCD, LEDs, Buzzer and Ultrasonic sensor. The program to run the circuit was developed using Arduino IDE and stored at the memory of the Arduino microcontroller. The study demonstrated that the designed sensor could be used to accurately determine the position of an approaching object and display the distance readings on the LCD. Simultaneously the sensor display visual LED signals set and color coded as for instance, distances less than 150 cm, 70 cm and 40cm corresponding to Green, Blue and Red LED lights respectively, while at the same time producing sound signals n a sound buzzer. Thus, this method of distance sensing and measurement is efficient and assures measurements of small distances precisely. This distance sensing and measurement system can get wide applications where proximity detection is required e.g. in industries and traffic departments.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)en_US
dc.subjectArduino UNOen_US
dc.subjectUltrasonic sensoren_US
dc.titleArduino Uno, Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Motion Detector with Display of Distance in the LCDen_US

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