Tharaka University repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 4175
Adequacy Of Physical Resources And Effective Implementation Of Competence Based Curriculum In Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya.
(IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 2023-12)Countries all over the globe are engaged in curriculum reforms to incorporate competencies into their education systems. The intention is to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to succeed in ... -
(African Journal of Emerging Issues (AJOEI), 2024-09)Purpose of the Study: The study's purpose was to assess existing juvenile assessment practices prior to probation placement and their effect on probation outcomes. Methodology: The current study used a concurrent-triangulation ... -
Optimizing Juvenile Probation: A Concurrent Triangulation Study on Supervision Practices and Recidivism in Kenya
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN SOCIAL SCIENCE (IJRISS), 2024-10)The primary objective of probation supervision is to ensure compliance with probation conditions, improve public safety, and rehabilitate and reintegrate offenders back into a pro-legal and social lifestyle. However, ... -
Youth Political Mobilization in Tharaka-North during the Colonial Period between 1895 and 1963
(International Journal of Social and Development Concerns, 2023-11)Kenyan youth have been a key constituency for political mobilization since the country's independence. Politicians across the country have in most cases co-opted the youth in electoral competitions to either retain or ... -
Numerical simulation of an HTL-free carbon-based perovskite solar cell with graphitic carbon nitride doped zinc oxide as electron transport layers
(Elsevier, 2025)As a result of the advances in technology and the need for energy, an urge to develop a stable, high performance solar cell has initiated various scientific intentions to attain a cheaper and clean energy supply. In this ... -
A review on the Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities of some Species from Genus Dodonaea (Sapindaceae Family)
(The Journal of Phytopharmacology, 2024-02)This review focuses mainly on findings of the chemistry and pharmacological activities of some plant species from genus Dodonaea. The continued chemical studies of Dodonaea species such as D. viscosa, D. angustifolia, ... -
Colonial Land Policies among the Embu East (1895–1963)
(THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES, 2024)Land in Kenya is valued as the most critical asset. This is because of the significant impact it has on the lives of Kenyan people, whether wealthy or poor. It is an essential factor of production and is central to the ... -
Uhusika katika Fasihi Bulibuli ya Kiswahili: Mfano Kutoka Utenzi wa Mikidadi na Mayasa
(East African Journal of Swahili Studies, 2024)Makala hii inatathmini uhusika wa wahusika katika tenzi za Kiswahii kwa kuegemea utenzi mmoja bulibuli: Utenzi wa Mikidadi na Mayasa. Utenzi huu ulitungwa na Saidi Abdallah Masudi el Buhry aliyekuwa mkazi wa Pemba. Ingawa ... -
Upekee wa Usawiri wa Wahusika Katika Fasihi Bulibuli ya Kiswahili: Mfano Kutoka Utenzi wa Shufaka
(East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, 2024-10)Makala hii inanuia kutathmini upekee wa usawiri wa wahusika katika ushairi bulibuli wa Kiswahii kwa kurejelea. Utenzi wa Shufaka. Utenzi huuulitungwa zamani na Hassan bin Aluwi na una jumla ya beti 285. Kwa mujibu wa Njozi ... -
Soil To Plant Transfer Factors of Natural Radionuclides in Khat (Catha endulis) from Igembe South Subcounty, Kenya.
(International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics (IJEAP), 2024-01)This study evaluated the soil to plant transfer factors of khat (Catha endulis) to determine the absorption potential of natural radionuclides. Soil and leaves of Khat were sampled from Igembe south subcounty, Kenya and ... -
Effect of Institutional Digital Repository Information Services on Utilisation of Library Resources by Postgraduate Students at Selected University Libraries in Kenya
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers, 2024-11)Purpose: Every year, Kenya does local studies worth billions of shillings, which are rarely disseminated outside of the institutions' office drawers and library shelves. Therefore, research findings should be shared ... -
Chemical Composition, In vitro Digestibility and Gas Production of Selected Forages Preferred by Dromedary Camels in Peri Urban Area of Isiolo Town, Kenya
(2024)Inadequate feed resources in quantity and quality during dry season is the major factor affecting milk production in lactating dromedary camels under the peri-urban production system. This study aimed to evaluate the ... -
Metabolite Profiling of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Varieties Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy: A Tool for Breeding Resilience
(Acta Scientific NUTRITIONAL HEALTH, 2024)g beans (Vigna radiata L.), commonly known as green grams, are a vital legume crop with significant nutritional and eco nomic importance. As a resilient crop suited to arid and semi-arid conditions, mung beans contribute ...