Browsing by Author "Ndolo, Urbanus M."
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Albinism, Witchcraft, and Superstition in East Africa: Exploration of Bio-cultural Exclusion and Livelihood Vulnerability
Mulemi, Benson A.; Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2014-04-16)Profuse media reports and discourse on the plight of Persons with Albinism (PWA) in East Africa in the recent times raise the question of livelihood security of a minority group. PWA constitutes a group of people that are ... -
Avega Interventions and Post Traumatic Growth Among Genocide Widows in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda.
Prudence, Hategekimana; Macharia, Susan M.; Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2019-10)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of AVEGA interventions on posttraumatic growth among genocide widows in Nyarugenge District in Rwanda. The study was guided by Abraham Maslow's theory of hierarchy ... -
Cement Manufacturing Companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility and Pastoralists Livelihoods Security in Kitengela Ward, Kajiado County, Kenya
Njeru, Evelyne; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Sitawa, Michael (2019-10)The purpose of this study was to examine Cement Manufacturing Companies Corporate Social Responsibility and Pastoralists Livelihoods Security in Kitengela, Kajiado County, Kenya. The specific objectives that the study ... -
Contribution of National Government Constituencies Development Fund on Poverty Alleviation in Kibwezi West Constituency, Makueni County, Kenya
Mwavu, Benedict M.; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Anampiu, Ritah (2017-10)Development initiatives in rural areas help in poverty alleviation and strive to empower the marginalised rural communities to cope with hostile environments. Sustainable projects strengthen them to control their own ... -
Effects of Political Conflict on Household Livelihood Security in Ntahangwa Commune, Bujumbura Province, Burundi
Augustin, Katihabwa; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Wakanyua, Samuel N. (2020-05)Post-independence ethnicity conflict recurs before and after every election in Burundi. The current conflict which started in 2015 is political rather than ethnic in nature. Since the election season started, fighting ... -
An Evaluation of The Effects Of Chewing Khat ‘Muguka’ Among The Youth In Kenya: A Case Study of Kapomboi Ward, Trans-Nzoia County
Tabu, Purity N.; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Sitawa, Michael (2018-12)The objectives of the study was to find out the nature of using muguka among the youth, to examine the psychological influence of muguka use on youth in the study area, to determine the social behavior of youth under ... -
Experiential Learning and Malaria Intervention Volunteers Capacity Development: Lessons From Kombo North District in Gambia
JOBE, OUSMAN O.; MUHINGI, WILKINS N.; GATHANO, CHARLES W.; Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2017-07)Global distribution of per-capita gross domestic product indicates a striking correlation between malaria and poverty, and malaria-endemic countries have lower rates of economic growth. This study investigated the role ... -
Father Absenteeism on Social Vulnerability Among Modern Families in Kenyan Urban Households: A Case Study of Kibra County, Nairobi, Kenya
MUTEGI, CELINA K.; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; MWALW’A, SHEM N. (2017-09)The study set out to investigate the impacts of father absenteeism on social vulnerability among Kenyan modern households in Kibra County. Interviews and observation were predominantly employed in data collection, with ... -
HIV and AIDS Silence: The Coping Mechanism of the Youth in Poor Households in Kenyan Slums
Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2018-04)There is no doubt it is all silent! HIV and AIDS are no longer the threatening health diseases that dominated the local and international daily news! Are HIV and AIDS no longer imminent health challenges, particularly ... -
Hiv-Aids and Single Mothers Livelihoods Security in Slum Houeseholds: Targeting Procedures in Safety-Net Programmes in Kenya.
Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2018-10)Single mothers coping mechanisms with the effects of HIV and AIDS in slum settlements are rarely analysed and documented.The numerous vibrant anti-Aids campaigns are no longer visible in slums. Does this imply that a ... -
HIV/AIDS: Household Coping Mechanisms of the Poor in Kenya Slums
Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2018)The National silence and persistent global disinterest in HIV and AIDS is worrying! Is this an implication that a proper cure of this scourge is now discovered and readily in use? There is no doubt the World has achieved ... -
Household interaction patterns and elderly persons caregivers’ psychological wellbeing in Makueni sub-county, Kenya
Munywoki, Vincent M.; Okpalaenwe, Elizabeth N.; Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2020-09)The psychosocial needs of the elderly are ever changing and this dynamism raises burden on caregivers of the elderly creating need for family support to balance their emotional disturbance. This study explored the ... -
Household Livelihoods Survival Mechanisms and Women Enterprise Fund Up-take in Isiolo County, Kenya
Ndolo, Urbanus M. (2020-05-13)The general public and government social transformation agents alike assume that all Women have equal access to Development safety-net funds. Isiolo County, though a predominantly pastoralist region, has motivated women ... -
Implications of Soda Ash Mining on The Livelihoods Of Indigenous Maasai Community: A Case Of Tata Chemicals Magadi, Kajiado County, Kenya
Lemarron, Kaanto; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Ndonga, Bernard (2018-10)The study sought to investigate how Tata Chemicals Company Soda ash mining activities have affected the indigenous Maasai community’s livelihoods security. Kenya is a nation endowed with minerals such as oil, gas, diamonds, ... -
Influence of Socio-Economic Infrastructure 0n Economic Growth in Dandora Ii Village; Nairobi, Kenya
KEYA, BETTY N.; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; MAVOLE, JOHNSON (2017-09)Socio-economic infrastructure is a prerequisite for the development of any economy. Transport, housing, education and health facilities have become part and parcel of human existence and development; it is quite difficult ... -
Mineral Exploitation and Social Economic Growth in Goma Munincipality, North Kivu, Dr Congo
Nadege, Akonkwa K.; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Mugah, Michael S. (2018-12)The purpose of this study was to investigate mineral exploitation and social economic growth in Goma Municipality North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. It set out to determine the effects mineral exploitation on ... -
Parental Absenteeism: Child Nurturance and Socialization Impedes in Bibirioni Ward, Kiambu County, Kenya
Mbogo, Emilio; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Mugah, Michael S. (2020-02)Undoubtedly, the changing dynamics of the families from heterogeneous to homogeneous structure, the effects of globalization, technology, economy and social changes have adversely affected parenting. Parents have ... -
Participatory Learning and Action for Enhanced Sugarcane Farming Performance in Kakamega County, Kenya
Barasa, Mark C; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Okuku, Michael T. (2019-10)The study aimed at establishing the significance of participatory learning and action (PLA) on the performance of sugarcane farming project in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study adopted a Mixed Research Design, and was ... -
Risk Management Approaches and Construction Project Performance in The National Construction Industry Council, Malawi
Kwilirani, Dingiswayo; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Wakanyua, Samuel N. (2021-09)The article examines risk management approaches and construction project performance in the National Construction Industry Council of Malawi (NCIC). Established in 1996, NCIC is a mother body in the construction industry, ... -
Social Workers’ Knowledge Level Influence and Child Protection Approaches in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kajiado County, Kenya
Patrick, Felistus M.; Ndolo, Urbanus M.; Mavole, Johnson N. (2020-06)The study’s objective was to establish the extent to which social workers’ knowledge level influences child protection interventions in Kajiado North Sub County. The study was guided by Competence Based curriculum ...