Social Workers’ Knowledge Level Influence and Child Protection Approaches in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kajiado County, Kenya
Patrick, Felistus M.
Ndolo, Urbanus M.
Mavole, Johnson N.
Show full item recordAbstract
The study’s objective was to establish the extent to which social workers’ knowledge level
influences child protection interventions in Kajiado North Sub County. The study was guided by
Competence Based curriculum theory and used mixed method design, specifically convergent parallel
mixed method approach. A total of 223 respondents (employers, social workers, OVCs & key
informants) were sampled using census, random, purposive and snowball sampling techniques.
Questionnaires, interview schedule guides, KIIs guides, FGDs guides were used for data collection.
The major findings indicated that knowledge level influences child protection interventions and singly
it cannot effectively guarantee appropriate child protection. For guaranteed appropriate child
protection interventions, the social worker should besides knowledge have the right skills and values
as the right attitude. Most social workers felt adequately trained to make decisions on child protection
interventions at undergraduate degree level and use of a combination of theories as what makes their
intervention faster as it made them take the shortest time. The researcher concluded that a major gap
exists between social work training and practice which need to be addressed. In addition, education
sponsorship promotes institutionalization since children were placed in CCIs for education support
which explained the fact that majority of the OVCs in the OVC Centre’s were of school going age
confirming the problem statement. The recommendations of the study include; social workers, need
to keep updating their knowledge in regard to their relevant field of practice; Employers need to
engage competent social workers within the boundaries of their level of education, experience and
correct attitude and have ability provide appropriate intervention like supporting OVCs with
education while at their family/community and not institutions as priority; CUE and ASWEK, need to
standardize the training content for social workers across all institutions of higher learning, bridge
the gap between social work training and practice by developing a curriculum specific to social work
area of specialization in consultation with practitioners and frequently evaluate its applicability and
implementation; to the policy makers, enact the social workers act because without a legal and policy
framework in place injustice for children and social workers is inevitable, the MOLSP should in the
short term, have an administrative directive for any social worker undertaking child protection
interventions or any other staff working in child protection to have the relevant training, experience,
attitude and have undergone a background check to establish their suitability to work with children
and put in place mechanisms to have available information on the previous social workers records so
that in case there was any professional misconduct and they moved to a different area, the information
can be obtained and protect children.