Research Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 214
Experiential analysis of public universities' preparedness on instructional methodologies in implementation of competency based curriculum in kenya
(2021)The dawn of Competency-Based Curriculum occurred in USA in early 1970s where it brought a paradigm shift in global education leverage and instructional methodology experiences in the classroom. The new concept staged an ... -
Effectiveness of Integrating Science Process-Skills in Teaching Mathematics on Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities and Creativity by Gender in Secondary Schools in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(2019)Mathematics is a product of man's inquiry on natural phenomena which awakens logical thinking contrary to accumulation of facts to satisfy man’s curiosity to subdue the environment. Inadequacy of qualified personnel ... -
The role of metacognitive teaching strategies on students' on problem solving abilities in public secondary schools in tharaka south sub county, kenya.
(2021)The current study investigated the Role of Metacognitive Teaching Strategies on Students' on Problem Solving Abilities in Public Secondary Schools in Tharaka South Sub County, Kenya. Teaching and learning of mathematics ... -
Experiential Analysis of Public Universities Preparedness on Prospective Teacher Education towards Implementation of Competency Based Curriculum in Kenya
(2022)The paper explored Public Universities' Preparedness on Teacher Education towards the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya. CBC was meant to replace a three-decade old system of 8-4-4 to a new system ... -
Effectiveness of Integrating Science Process-Skills in Teaching on Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Tharaka-Nithi County- Kenya.
(2023)Science process skills are basic concepts to nurture cognitive and affective skills akin to problem solving abilities, creativity and favourable attitudes towards science and mathematics. Mathematics is a product of man's ... -
Remote Sensing for Land Resources: A Review on Satellites, Data Availability and Applications
(2023-01)Remote sensing is a technology that offers a unique opportunity of gathering land information by measuring and recording its emitted and reflected energy usually from a satellite or an aircraft. The capabilities of remote ... -
Monitoring Temperature and Humidity using Arduino Nano and Module-DHT11 Sensor with Real Time DS3231 Data Logger and LCD Display
(2020-12)Humidity and Temperature are crucial parameters for the optimal response of biological systems e.g. each has its own impact on growth and production of quality crops. There are several techniques of measuring humidity and ... -
Optimization of Glycerol Production from Mango Seed Oil Using Response Surface Methodology and Central Composite Design
(2023-10)The objective of this research was to optimize the glycerol production from mango seed oil using RSM and CCD. The glycerol was produced through the transesterification process where biodiesel and glycerol were produced as ... -
Inventory management practices and operational performance of kenya animal feeds industry
(2023)In the 21st century, businesses face high competition and volatility and must cope with changing quality standards and levels. Efficiency and effectiveness are crucial to success, and companies must deal with rising handling ... -
Influence Of Knowledge Recovery Strategy On Performance Of Public Research Institutions In Kenya
(2020)Knowledge can be recovered and retained in an organisation through various strategies that may involve education, training, establishing communities of practice and professional networks, documenting the processes and use ... -
Organophosphate Pesticide Residues in Food Products in Kenya and their Chromatographic Detection: A Systematic Review
(2023)Organophosphate pesticides are used worldwide to control several pests and meet food demand. These chemicals harm non-target animals and people when misused. Thus, they are a health and environmental concern. The purpose ... -
Knowledge audit practices and performance of public research institutions in kenya
(2023)In the dynamically changing environment, knowledge is becoming the most important resource for organization performance, even surpassing other resources such as land and capital. Therefore, the ability to retain organisational ... -
Optimization Of Oil Production From Mango Seed Using Response Surface Methodology And Central Composite Design
(2023-10)Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Central Composite Design (CCD) is an important statistical tool for modeling and analysis of statistical problems where the response of interest is influenced by several variables ... -
Knowledge Retention Practices and Performance of Public Research Institutions in Kenya
(2023)In the dynamically changing environment, knowledge is becoming the most important resource for organisational performance, surpassing other resources such as land and capital. Therefore, retaining organizational knowledge ... -
Work-Life Balance Practices on Employee Job Performance at Eco Bank Kenya
(2013)Inadequate work life balance is a problem that poses a big risk to workers well being, their performance as well as the organizational performance. Many employees often have difficulties in attempting to balance employment ... -
Media bias in legitimizing political action
(2018)This article discusses media bias as it presents in situations of political conflict. Because of many factors (and which will not be part of this discussion) news writers tilt reports to suit their purposes. In so doing, ... -
Spatial Modelling of Current and Future Piped Domestic Water Demand in Athi River Town, Kenya
(2019-11)Water scarcity is currently still a global challenge despite the fact that water sustains life on earth. An understanding of domestic water demand is therefore vital for effective water management. In order to understand ... -
Waterborne Disease Risk Factors and Intervention Practices: A Review
(2021)Waterborne diseases remain a major global public health issue and a great environmental concern and the outbreak is common in African countries. Illness due to waterborne diseases causes morbidity and mortality in less ... -
Diarrhea Disease among Children under 5 Years of Age: A Global Systematic Review
(2021-11)Diarrhea diseases remain the second leading cause of death among children under five years globally. Nearly one in every five child deaths, about 1.6 million each year, are due to diarrhea. Further, diarrhea kills more ... -
Usability of big data analytics within clinical decision support systems
(2019)The adoption of electronic health record systems and other digital technologies such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques, automated laboratory tests, and body sensors have brought the era of big data technology ...