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dc.contributor.authorNGUNJIRI, EVAH NJERI
dc.description.abstractThe female domestic workers cannot be underrated since they play a vital role in many households in the word. In the modern monetary economy, families require domestic workers who assist in household chores. The Bible gives some guidance and principles on how the employer and employee, both of whom share a common humanity, should relate with each other. The first duty of a Christian is to love God then fellow human beings. This study looked at the biblical principles guiding the Christian employers when relating with their female domestic workers in Roysambu constituency.The study showed that the Christian principles of justice, dignity and respect should guide Christian employers when relating with their FDWs. The interpretation of data was done using Character and Principal-based ethical theories. The target population was composed of all Christians within the five selected mainstream churches in Roysambu Constituency where a combination of stratified and random sampling techniques were used to get a sample of 144 participants from an approximate population of 1400 Christians. The data was analysed through qualitative descriptive statistics. Finally the study concluded that a nalysis of the Biblical principles that govern Christian employers whenmanaging FDWs show that the church through its teachings stress on employers handling their FDWs with human dignity, love and respect just like other family members.en_US
dc.subjectFemale domestic workersen_US
dc.subjectDomestic workersen_US
dc.subjectEmployee and Christiansen_US
dc.titleThe Biblical Principles Guiding the Christian Employers When Relating With Their Female Domestic Workers in Roysambu Constituencyen_US

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