Browsing Department of Humanities & Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 51
African Indigenous Guidance and Counselling &Child Socialization Agents: Evaluating Aembu peoples’ Perception in the Redeemed Gospel Church, Embu County, Kenya
(2020)The aim of this article is to evaluatethe perception of Pentecostal Christians in regard tothe importance of the indigenous guidance and counselling amongthe Aembu indigenous society. In the latter, they ... -
Albinism, Witchcraft, and Superstition in East Africa: Exploration of Bio-cultural Exclusion and Livelihood Vulnerability
(2014-04-16)Profuse media reports and discourse on the plight of Persons with Albinism (PWA) in East Africa in the recent times raise the question of livelihood security of a minority group. PWA constitutes a group of people that are ... -
Analysis of Macroeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in Kenya
(2017-09)Kenya vision 2030, seeks to achieve an economic growth rate of 10%per annum beginning the year 2012 henceforth. However, although economic growth rate has been on an upward trend since 2010, this ... -
An anti-locality restriction on subject wh-phrases in Kîîtharaka
(2011-04)This paper investigates the syntactic restrictions on subject wh-questions in Kîîtharaka, an SVO Bantu language spoken in Kenya (Code E54, according to the classification by Guthrie). Subject wh-phrases exhibit two closely ... -
Areas of Ethnic Polarization between the Aembu and Ambeere Communities in Embu County, Kenya (2010 – 2022)
(2023)The study focused on how ethnic polarization influenced governance among the Ambeere and the Aembu of Embu County, Kenya between 2010 and 2022. It was envisioned that symbiotic patriotism transcended between the devolved ... -
Avega Interventions and Post Traumatic Growth Among Genocide Widows in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda.
(2019-10)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of AVEGA interventions on posttraumatic growth among genocide widows in Nyarugenge District in Rwanda. The study was guided by Abraham Maslow's theory of hierarchy ... -
The Biblical Principles Guiding the Christian Employers When Relating With Their Female Domestic Workers in Roysambu Constituency
(2017-12-12)The female domestic workers cannot be underrated since they play a vital role in many households in the word. In the modern monetary economy, families require domestic workers who assist in household chores. The Bible ... -
Breaking the Criminogenic Cycle: Exploring Parental Influences on Juvenile Delinquency in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties, Kenya
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN SOCIAL SCIENCE (IJRISS), 2024-08-17)There has been a rise in juvenile delinquency worldwide, particularly in developing countries such as Kenya. Failures in interventions point to the possible inefficacy of the measures, misdiagnosis, or scanty analysis of ... -
Carbon emissions from degraded mangroves of Tudor and Mwache creeks, Mombasa, Kenya
(2015)Climate change is associated with changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. This is accelerated by the degradation and loss of forests through anthropogenic activities, leading to carbon ... -
Categorizing adpositions in Kˆıˆıtharaka
(2007-01)In this paper, I discuss the categorial status of Kˆıˆıtharaka adpositions. I demonstrate that there are two main classes of adpositions (to be referred to as Class A and Class B). Class A adpositions are syntactic heads ... -
Cement Manufacturing Companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility and Pastoralists Livelihoods Security in Kitengela Ward, Kajiado County, Kenya
(2019-10)The purpose of this study was to examine Cement Manufacturing Companies Corporate Social Responsibility and Pastoralists Livelihoods Security in Kitengela, Kajiado County, Kenya. The specific objectives that the study ... -
Colonial Land Policies among the Embu East (1895–1963)
(THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES, 2024)Land in Kenya is valued as the most critical asset. This is because of the significant impact it has on the lives of Kenyan people, whether wealthy or poor. It is an essential factor of production and is central to the ... -
The Common Social Teachings of the Mainstream Churches on the Handling of Female Domestic Workers in Roysambu Constituency
(2017)The role of female domestic workers (FDWs) in the modern world cannot be belittled. The female domestic workers are the forces behind successful homes through the performance of the household chores. In this modern ... -
Contribution of National Government Constituencies Development Fund on Poverty Alleviation in Kibwezi West Constituency, Makueni County, Kenya
(2017-10)Development initiatives in rural areas help in poverty alleviation and strive to empower the marginalised rural communities to cope with hostile environments. Sustainable projects strengthen them to control their own ... -
The Economic Prospects of Devolution Among the Aembu And the Ambeere Communities of Embu County, Kenya (2010- 2022)
(International Journal of Social and Development Concerns, 2023-10)The study focused on how ethnic polarization influenced governance in some aspects of economic ethnic polarization in Embu County, though not limited in scope to devolution between 2010 and 2022. The objective of the study ... -
Effect of Institutional Digital Repository Information Services on Utilisation of Library Resources by Postgraduate Students at Selected University Libraries in Kenya
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers, 2024-11)Purpose: Every year, Kenya does local studies worth billions of shillings, which are rarely disseminated outside of the institutions' office drawers and library shelves. Therefore, research findings should be shared ... -
(2020)Despite the monetary policy intervention in foreign exchange markets by Central bank of Kenya to stabilize the exchange rate and to reverse the growth in the country’s trade deficit through increased ... -
Effects of Political Conflict on Household Livelihood Security in Ntahangwa Commune, Bujumbura Province, Burundi
(2020-05)Post-independence ethnicity conflict recurs before and after every election in Burundi. The current conflict which started in 2015 is political rather than ethnic in nature. Since the election season started, fighting ... -
An Evaluation of The Effects Of Chewing Khat ‘Muguka’ Among The Youth In Kenya: A Case Study of Kapomboi Ward, Trans-Nzoia County
(2018-12)The objectives of the study was to find out the nature of using muguka among the youth, to examine the psychological influence of muguka use on youth in the study area, to determine the social behavior of youth under ... -
Experiential Learning and Malaria Intervention Volunteers Capacity Development: Lessons From Kombo North District in Gambia
(2017-07)Global distribution of per-capita gross domestic product indicates a striking correlation between malaria and poverty, and malaria-endemic countries have lower rates of economic growth. This study investigated the role ...