Factors that Contribute to Poor Academic Achievement in English Lanru guage in Kerio-Vale Schools in Kenya
In Kenya secondary schools, English is the main language of instruction, and oo
secondary school curriculum. In many degree programmes a minimum of grade C+usoy
required in ally is poor, and Kerio-V is no factors that contribu to poor
academic achievement in English Language in Kerio valley Secondary Schools. 5 s
English subject. However, the performance in the subject nationally
exception. The study set out to investigate the psychological
randomly selected to provide the sample of 160 form three studer chools were dents as well as 10 Engish teachers. Descriptive survey research design was used in the study. The psycholog contributing to English achievement was the independent variables and and English achieveme factors
the dependent variable. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and observation nt vas
Descriptive statistics were used in data analysis. The results show that negative cultral
are major cause of poor achievement in English language. The study therefore recommend
there is need to formulate urgent measures to curb cultural negative attitude that has conr
ributed significantly to poor achievement in English.