Department of Natural Resource Management: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
Effects of Smart Energy Management Systems on Financial Performance in Economy Hotels
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS OF ACADEMICS & RESEARCH, 2024)Smart Energy Management Systems (SEMS) are innovative technologies designed to monitor and optimize energy consumption in real time, enabling businesses to reduce operational costs. In the hotel industry, SEMS play a vital ... -
Prevalence of bacterial nosocomial infections in matibabu foundation hospital and ukwala sub county referral hospital in Siaya County
(Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open Access, 2016-09)Nosocomial infection is an infection that is contracted from the environment or staff of a healthcare facility. This infection can transmitted to a susceptible patient in a clinical setting by a number of medium including ... -
Underutilization of Healthcare Services among Clients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, 2016-01)Under utilization of health care services among clients with HIV/AIDs has been a major setback in making drugs adherence effective to prolong live, therefore this study was designed to investigate the factors contributing ... -
Exploring the Dynamic Role of Gamma-Delta T Cells in Clinical Pathology: A Systematic Review of Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives
(East African Journal of Health and Science, 2023)Gamma-delta [γδ] T cells are a significant subset of T cells with ability to recognize many antigens without the guidance of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. A lot of studies have been conducted on them ... -
Organophosphate Pesticide Residues in Food Products in Kenya and their Chromatographic Detection: A Systematic Review
(East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2023)Organophosphate pesticides are used worldwide to control several pests and meet food demand. These chemicals harm non-target animals and people when misused. Thus, they are a health and environmental concern. The purpose ... -
Effect of bacillus subtilis on bean nematodes in Kenya: A laboratory and green house experiment
(International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 2016-08)Nematodes have been causing big losses in the yields and quality of crops worldwide. Bacteria are major biocontrol agents. Laboratory and green house experiments were conducted at the University of Nairobi College of ... -
Effect of substituting maize in the grower diet with ground Prosopis juliflora pods on performance of indigenous chicken in Kenya
(2018-11-07)Ninety-six KARLO improved chicken (KIC) aged 8 weeks were used to study the effect of replacing the maize component in commercial grower feed with Prosopis juliflora pods on growth performance. A commercial grower feed, ... -
Effect of replacing complete grower diet with ground Prosopis juliflora pods on performance of improved indigenous chicken in Kenya
(2017-03)Ninety-six KALRO improved chicken (KIC) aged 8 weeks were used to study the effect of feeding diets incorporated with different levels of ground Prosopis juliflora pods (GPJP) on growth performance. A commercial grower ... -
Sensory attributes and quality of meat in improved indigenous chicken fed on Prosopis juliflora pods in Kenya
(2017-11)Evaluation ofthe sensory and meat quality was performed on Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) improved chicken (KIC) fed on diets incorporated with ground Prosopis juliflora pods (GPJP. Breast ... -
Remote Sensing for Land Resources: A Review on Satellites, Data Availability and Applications
(2023-01)Remote sensing is a technology that offers a unique opportunity of gathering land information by measuring and recording its emitted and reflected energy usually from a satellite or an aircraft. The capabilities of remote ... -
Organophosphate Pesticide Residues in Food Products in Kenya and their Chromatographic Detection: A Systematic Review
(2023)Organophosphate pesticides are used worldwide to control several pests and meet food demand. These chemicals harm non-target animals and people when misused. Thus, they are a health and environmental concern. The purpose ... -
Knowledge audit practices and performance of public research institutions in kenya
(2023)In the dynamically changing environment, knowledge is becoming the most important resource for organization performance, even surpassing other resources such as land and capital. Therefore, the ability to retain organisational ... -
Spatial Modelling of Current and Future Piped Domestic Water Demand in Athi River Town, Kenya
(2019-11)Water scarcity is currently still a global challenge despite the fact that water sustains life on earth. An understanding of domestic water demand is therefore vital for effective water management. In order to understand ... -
Waterborne Disease Risk Factors and Intervention Practices: A Review
(2021)Waterborne diseases remain a major global public health issue and a great environmental concern and the outbreak is common in African countries. Illness due to waterborne diseases causes morbidity and mortality in less ... -
Diarrhea Disease among Children under 5 Years of Age: A Global Systematic Review
(2021-11)Diarrhea diseases remain the second leading cause of death among children under five years globally. Nearly one in every five child deaths, about 1.6 million each year, are due to diarrhea. Further, diarrhea kills more ... -
Constraints That Prevent Tour Firms from Serving Physically Impaired Tourists in Kenya
(IISTE, 2019-09-30)The number of people living with disabilities is increasing. It is projected that by the end of 2020, there will be over 1.2 billion people living with disability. Notwithstanding, accessibility provisions of this ... -
Role of Aquaculture in Climate-Smart Food Production Systems: A Review
(2021)Climate change is the greatest environmental threat while the rapidly developing aquaculture sector is an anthropogenic activity that results into the emissions of greenhouse gases. However, despite the threat from ... -
Domestic Tourism in Kenya A Tool for Sustainability amid Global Crisis
(2022-04)Domestic tourism has proven to be an important driver of tourism industry globally. In Kenya, tourism industry is a critical economic pillar. Empirical evidence reveals that domestic tourism accounts for a huge amount of ... -
Effect of supplementing grass diet with Acacia seyal and Balanites aegyptiacaon feed intake, conversion efficiency and growth of dorper sheep�
(2009-09)Two studies were carried out at the Livestock Improvement Centre, Mogotio division of Koibatek District to evaluate Acacia seyal and Balanites aegyptiaca as feed supplements to ruminant diets during the dry season. The ... -
Dairy production practices among smallholder dairy farmers in Butere/Mumias and Kakamega districts in Western Kenya
(2007-04)A survey was conducted on 176 smallholder dairy farms in Butere/Mumias and Kakamega districts of Western Kenya to establish the dairy production practices and constraints in the industry. There was low milk production ...