Research Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 214
A review on phenolic compounds in Illicium species and their pharmacological effects
(2013)This review focuses mainly on findings of chemistry and pharmacological activities of phenolic compounds in Illicium plants. The continued chemical studies of Illicium species such as I.difengpi, I.verum, I.griffithii, ... -
Proximate Composition, Mineral Element Profile and Antioxidant Properties of the Edible Kenyan Mushroom, Auricularia polytricha
(2022-07)The indigenous Kenyan Auricularia polytricha is a known delicacy to the communities residing around Kakamega forest in Western Kenya. The objective of the present study was to carry out proximate analysis, determine ... -
Essential Learner Support Services for Effective Open, Distance and Electronic Learning Programmes in Kenyan Public Universities
(2021)Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been widely used to enable people access quality education. As such Open Distance and Electronic Learning (ODEL) mode of learning has been embraced by various universities ... -
Evaluation of Information Communication Technology Competencies for Learning amongst Undergraduate Students' in Kenyan Public Universities
(2021-12)Public universities have invested in Information Communication Technology (ICT) to equip students with the digital skills to enable them to easily access information and support them in the learning process. As such, ... -
Constraints That Prevent Tour Firms from Serving Physically Impaired Tourists in Kenya
(IISTE, 2019-09-30)The number of people living with disabilities is increasing. It is projected that by the end of 2020, there will be over 1.2 billion people living with disability. Notwithstanding, accessibility provisions of this ... -
Role of Aquaculture in Climate-Smart Food Production Systems: A Review
(2021)Climate change is the greatest environmental threat while the rapidly developing aquaculture sector is an anthropogenic activity that results into the emissions of greenhouse gases. However, despite the threat from ... -
Domestic Tourism in Kenya A Tool for Sustainability amid Global Crisis
(2022-04)Domestic tourism has proven to be an important driver of tourism industry globally. In Kenya, tourism industry is a critical economic pillar. Empirical evidence reveals that domestic tourism accounts for a huge amount of ... -
School-Type as a Correlate to Secondary School Boys and Girls Self-Esteem in Nairobi County, Kenya
(2022-01)The study purposed to investigate how school-type was related to students self-esteem by gender. The main questionwas, Does self-esteem of boys and girls significantly vary according to the school-type attended? Students ... -
Effect of supplementing grass diet with Acacia seyal and Balanites aegyptiacaon feed intake, conversion efficiency and growth of dorper sheep�
(2009-09)Two studies were carried out at the Livestock Improvement Centre, Mogotio division of Koibatek District to evaluate Acacia seyal and Balanites aegyptiaca as feed supplements to ruminant diets during the dry season. The ... -
Dairy production practices among smallholder dairy farmers in Butere/Mumias and Kakamega districts in Western Kenya
(2007-04)A survey was conducted on 176 smallholder dairy farms in Butere/Mumias and Kakamega districts of Western Kenya to establish the dairy production practices and constraints in the industry. There was low milk production ... -
Effect of Helminthiasis on Zinc Metabolism
(2000-07)The effect of helminthiasis on zinc metabolism was monitored using endogenous 0'Zn after intraperitoneal injection of 1 g of ⁶⁵Zn as zinc chloride. In the first experiment zinc turnover ... -
Determination of Essential Minerals and Toxic Elements Composition of the Natural Licks Consumed By Livestock in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(2015-10)The aim of this study was to determine the quantities of essential and toxic elements in the natural licks consumed by livestock in Igambang�ombe Division in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya. Ten highly used licks, five moderately ... -
Urea-treated neem (Azadirachta indica A. juss) seed kernel cake as a protein supplement for lambs.
(1999-06)The performance of 12 male and 12 female Mandya Merino lambs weighing between 5.4 and 12.4 kg was investigated by feeding neem seed kernel cake (NSKC) after treatment with 2.5% urea. Lambs of each sex were allotted randomly ... -
Effects of Natural Licks on Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility, Milk Production and Quality in Kenya Alpine Dairy Goat Ration
(2015-11)Consumption of natural licks is common among domestic animals under natural circumstances, and as a substitute to commercial mineral licks among smallholder livestock keepers in Tharaka- Nithi County, Kenya, with a believe ... -
Ethnoveterinary Knowledge and Practice among the Pastoralists of Baringo District, Kenya.
(2013)A study was carried out in Marigat and Nginyang Divisions of Baringo District to document the role of Ethnoveterinary practice amongst the pastoralists. A cross-sectional survey involved administration of a questionnaire ... -
Livestock farmers perceptions on the relevance of natural licks in Igambang�ombe Division, Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(2014)A survey covering 12 Sublocations in Igambang�fombe Divsion and involving 72 respondents was conducted to ascertain perceptions on the relevance of natural licks. Household survey, focus group discussions and direct ... -
Effects of policy change on the dairy production support services within the smallholder dairy farmers in Butere/Mumias and Kakamega districts of Western Kenyal
(2010-04)A survey was conducted in Butere/Mumias and Kakamega districts of Western Kenya in 2005 to evaluate the availability of dairy support services following liberalisation of agricultural sector by the Government. A total ... -
Carcass Characteristics of Goats Fed Ammoniated Neem (Azadirachta indica) Seed Kernel Cake
(2003)The present investigation was carried out to study the affect of feeding urea ammoniated neem kernel meal on carcass characteristics and organoleptic properties of the meat in goats. Eight local weaned kids of 3-4 months ... -
Effect of Replacement of Groundnut Cake with Urea-treated Neem (Azadirachta indica A. juss) Seed Kernel Cake on Nutrient Utilisation in Lambs
(2002-04)The effect of urea treatment on chemical composition of neem seed kernel cake (NSKC) was investigated by soaking the cake in 2.1% urea solution (1.2 l kg-1 NSKC) for five days. The effect on utilisation of nutrients by ... -
Critical Aspects of Aquafeed Value Chain in the Kenyan Aquaculture Sector-- A Review
(2021-03)This article reviews critical aspects of the the aquaquafeed value chain in the Kenyan aquaculture sector. Aquaculture afeed value chain in the Kenyan aquaculture sector. Aquaculture production in Kenya has grown steadily ...