Research Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 214
Chemical Composition and Nutritional Values of Feed Resources for Ruminants
(2013-01)Information on chemical characteristics and nutritional values of feeds is essential for diet formulation and for developing optimum and economic feeding strategies of various classes of farm animals at different ... -
Effect of Substituting Fishmeal with Oilseed Meals on Diets Fatty Acid and Proximate Composition for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
(2021-09)The study aimed to evaluate the fatty acid and proximate composition of diets for Nile tilapia containing soybean meal (SBM), canola meal (CM) and sunflower meal (SFM) as replacements of fishmeal (FM). A control diet (D1) ... -
Effects of Goat Manure-Based Vermicompost on Growth and Yield of Garlic (Allium sativum L.)
(2020-05-03)Garlic, a bulb vegetable used as food and for medicinal purposes, has gained prominence among farmers and consumers in Kenya. Most of consumers increasingly prefer organic agricultural products. But, the farmers are still ... -
Preparation and Evaluation of Goat Manure- Based Vermicompost for Organic Garlic Production in Manyatta sub-county, Kenyap
(2020-02)Application of vermicompost in crop production results in improved soil chemical properties. Studies relating to use of vermicompost as alternative to synthetic fertilizers have gotten considerable attention as the demand ... -
Effects of Goat Manure-Based Vermicompost On Soil Chemical Properties Under Garlic Production in Meru South And Manyatta Sub-Counties
(2020-01)Majority of farmers in upper Eastern region of Kenya mainly apply chemical fertilizers to boost crop yields. Continuous use of chemical fertilizers causes several adverse effects such as P-fixation, volatilization of ... -
Teaching and Learning Needs as Learner Support Services offered in Open, Distance and E-Learning Programme in Selected Public Universities in Kenyaa
(2018)Open, Distance and E-Learning mode of study has been adopted by various institutions of higher learning. This has been realized through the provision of adequate learner support. As such, the objective of the study was to ... -
Access to Information, Personal and Social Needs as Learner Support Services in Open, Distance and E-Learning Programme in Selected Public Universities in Kenya
(2020)Rapid technological changes in education have become paramount towards meeting educational demands. The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has helped in bringing down the traditional barriers of access of ... -
Tour Firms’ Readiness to Cater for Physically Impaired Tourists in Kenya
(2019-10)The concept of accessible tourism aims to facilitate physically impaired tourists to participate in mainstream tourism activities. Although it is a requirement for tour firms to have requisites to handle physically impaired ... -
Social Workers’ Values and Child Protection Interventions in Kajiado North Sub County, Kenya
(2020-06)The study sought to explore the influence of social worker values on Child protection interventions in Kajiado North Sub-County. It was guided by eclectic theory and used mixed method design, specifically convergent parallel. ... -
Contribution of National Government Constituencies Development Fund on Poverty Alleviation in Kibwezi West Constituency, Makueni County, Kenya
(2017-10)Development initiatives in rural areas help in poverty alleviation and strive to empower the marginalised rural communities to cope with hostile environments. Sustainable projects strengthen them to control their own ... -
Household interaction patterns and elderly persons caregivers’ psychological wellbeing in Makueni sub-county, Kenya
(2020-09)The psychosocial needs of the elderly are ever changing and this dynamism raises burden on caregivers of the elderly creating need for family support to balance their emotional disturbance. This study explored the ... -
An Evaluation of The Effects Of Chewing Khat ‘Muguka’ Among The Youth In Kenya: A Case Study of Kapomboi Ward, Trans-Nzoia County
(2018-12)The objectives of the study was to find out the nature of using muguka among the youth, to examine the psychological influence of muguka use on youth in the study area, to determine the social behavior of youth under ... -
Mineral Exploitation and Social Economic Growth in Goma Munincipality, North Kivu, Dr Congo
(2018-12)The purpose of this study was to investigate mineral exploitation and social economic growth in Goma Municipality North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. It set out to determine the effects mineral exploitation on ... -
Traditional maternal health care practices and antenatal and postnatal care in Mwingi central sub-county, Kitui county
(2017)The purpose of the study was to establish the role of traditional maternal health care practices and antenatal and postnatal care in Mwingi Central Sub-County, Kitui County. The following objectives guided the study; to ... -
Effects of Political Conflict on Household Livelihood Security in Ntahangwa Commune, Bujumbura Province, Burundi
(2020-05)Post-independence ethnicity conflict recurs before and after every election in Burundi. The current conflict which started in 2015 is political rather than ethnic in nature. Since the election season started, fighting ... -
Traffic Congestion and Derailment of Small Scale Investments in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County – Kenya
(2020-02)The study sought to investigate “Traffic Congestion Derailment on Small Scale Investors in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County, Kenya”. It adopted a mixed research design, where both qualitative and quantitative perspectives ... -
Influence of Socio-Economic Infrastructure 0n Economic Growth in Dandora Ii Village; Nairobi, Kenya
(2017-09)Socio-economic infrastructure is a prerequisite for the development of any economy. Transport, housing, education and health facilities have become part and parcel of human existence and development; it is quite difficult ... -
Implications of Soda Ash Mining on The Livelihoods Of Indigenous Maasai Community: A Case Of Tata Chemicals Magadi, Kajiado County, Kenya
(2018-10)The study sought to investigate how Tata Chemicals Company Soda ash mining activities have affected the indigenous Maasai community’s livelihoods security. Kenya is a nation endowed with minerals such as oil, gas, diamonds, ... -
Hiv-Aids and Single Mothers Livelihoods Security in Slum Houeseholds: Targeting Procedures in Safety-Net Programmes in Kenya.
(2018-10)Single mothers coping mechanisms with the effects of HIV and AIDS in slum settlements are rarely analysed and documented.The numerous vibrant anti-Aids campaigns are no longer visible in slums. Does this imply that a ... -
HIV and AIDS Silence: The Coping Mechanism of the Youth in Poor Households in Kenyan Slums
(2018-04)There is no doubt it is all silent! HIV and AIDS are no longer the threatening health diseases that dominated the local and international daily news! Are HIV and AIDS no longer imminent health challenges, particularly ...