Research Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 214
Effect of Cash Management on Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Saccos in Kenya
(2021-02)This study sought to determine the effect of Cash management on financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of cash management on financial ... -
Application of Open Source Tools and Cloud Computing Technologies in Real-time Data Collection and Analysis
(2015-06-06)Cloud Computing technologies is a new phenomenon that though fully utilized and implemented in developed countries, its power is yet to be tapped in a number of developing countries. There are a different ... -
Order of Modifiers in Kîîtharaka Determiner Phrase
(2019-06)This paper argues that Kîîtharaka has a neutral1 order of modifiers within its determiner phrase. Apart from this neutral order, other orders are possible depending on the modifier upon which focus is placed. Ordering ... -
Kîîtharaka Event and Result Nominals
(2019-06-30)This paper explores the subject of event and results nominals and finds that the two can easily be distinguished in Kîîtharaka. Kîîtharaka event nominals are in form of infinitive construction while result nominals are ... -
The Biblical Principles Guiding the Christian Employers When Relating With Their Female Domestic Workers in Roysambu Constituency
(2017-12-12)The female domestic workers cannot be underrated since they play a vital role in many households in the word. In the modern monetary economy, families require domestic workers who assist in household chores. The Bible ... -
The Common Social Teachings of the Mainstream Churches on the Handling of Female Domestic Workers in Roysambu Constituency
(2017)The role of female domestic workers (FDWs) in the modern world cannot be belittled. The female domestic workers are the forces behind successful homes through the performance of the household chores. In this modern ... -
Teacher-counsellors' and Students' views on the Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling Services in addressing selected Psycho-social Challenges in Day Secondary Schools in North Rift Region, Kenya
(2016)Guidane and Counseling serries was introduerd in Kenyan Seondary and Primary Schools by the Keman Government through the Ministry of Edueation with the aim of assisting in addresing stndents' and pupils' psyvcho-social ... -
Influence of Primary School Teachers' Remuneration on the Level of Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Public Primary Schools in Nakuru Municipality and Kabartonjo Division, Kenya
(2014)The primar school teachers' remuneration has been a bone of contention in Kenya since independence. The main teachers' outory has been the low pay despite the extra work and other challenges, which has led to lack of job ... -
Factors that Contribute to Poor Academic Achievement in English Lanru guage in Kerio-Vale Schools in Kenya
(2009-11)In Kenya secondary schools, English is the main language of instruction, and oo secondary school curriculum. In many degree programmes a minimum of grade C+usoy required in ally is poor, and Kerio-V is no factors that ... -
Perceived Teacher Counsellors' and Students' Psycho-Social Challenon Affecting Effective Provision of Guidance and Counselling Services in Dav Secondary Schools in North Rift Region of Kenya
(2016-11)In an effort to increase access to secondary education by all students, the Kenyan Government has established more day secondary schools through County Education Boards. However, due to constant interaction with home ... -
Remote-Controlled Digital Electronics Trainer Board (RCDET)
(2020-04-23)A remote-controlled digital electronics trainer device has been designed and implemented based on ATmega328 QFN microcontroller, logic gate integrated circuits (ICs) and an infrared (IR) ... -
Effect of Government Infrastructure Investment on Economic Growth in Kenya
(2020)Government investment in infrastructure is a precursor to the achievement of sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction goals of any economy. Despite shortage of capital, the Kenyan government has continuously ... -
Relationship Between Cash Management Practices and Performance of Agency Banking Firms: A Case of Commercial Bank Agency Firms in Imenti-South Sub-County, Kenya
(2017-09)Agency banking was introduced in Kenya in May 2010 and by the year 2013; thirteen banks out of 43 had embraced the innovation. The innovation was intended to assist in financial inclusion and reduction of ... -
Relationship Between Service Diversification and Performance of Agency Banking Firms: A Case of Commercial Bank Agency Firms in Imenti-South Sub-County, Kenya
(2017-09)The Kenya Banking sector has demonstrated a solid growth over the past few years.The industrycontinues to offer significant profit opportunities for themajor participants and this has compelled banks to ... -
Effect of Government Infrastructure Investment on Economic Growth in Kenya
(2020)Government investment in infrastructure is a precursor to the achievement of sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction goals of any economy. Despite shortage of capital, the Kenyan government has continuously ... -
(2015-11)In the Banking sector, banks have traditionally relied on asset bases and sizefor competitive advantage but this is becoming more difficult to sustain owing to competition. Despite the benefits ... -
(2015-11)The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of Organization Culture and Information Technology on implementation of business strategy. Exploratory research design ... -
Revenue Forecasting Approach Towards Public Sector Wage Bill Management Dilemma in Kenya
(Science Publishing Group, 2017-05)The Kenyan government has been working towards achieving fiscal sustainability in wage bill expenditure since independence. Fiscal sustainability is key to achieving economic growth and progress as most resources would be ... -
Effect of Budgeting on Public Sector Wage Bill Management by the Government of Kenya
(Science Publishing Group, 2016-05)The main aim of budgeting by the government is to create plans on how to source, allocate and spend public resources prudently to meet allocation, development and stabilization objectives. All ... -
Effectiveness of Credit Management Systemon Loan Performance: Empirical Evidence from Micro Finance Sector in Kenya
(2012-10)Microfinance institutions in Kenya experience highlevels of non-performing loans. This trend threatens viability and sustainability of MFIs and hinders the achievement of their goals. This study was aimed ...