Research Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 214
The Effect of Dividend Announcementon Share Price Changes for Companieslisted at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya
(2014)The study sought to determine the nature of relationship between Dividend per Share and Share Price Changes, and the rate at which Share Prices reflect Dividend Announcement information for stocks traded at the Nairobi ... -
Credit and Debit Card Usage and Cash Flow Management Control by Customers: Evidences from Commercial Banks Customers in Kisumu City, Kenya
(2012-10)In the recent past, the banking sector in Kenya has witnessed a rapid growth, issuing thousands of credit cards and millions of debit cards to their customers. The frequency in which customers use these ... -
Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Public Sector Employment Levels in Kenya
(2017)The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of Foreign Direct Investment on public sector wage levels in Kenya. . FDI in an economy helps in promoting economic efficiency gains into the economy ... -
Analysis of Macroeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in Kenya
(2017-09)Kenya vision 2030, seeks to achieve an economic growth rate of 10%per annum beginning the year 2012 henceforth. However, although economic growth rate has been on an upward trend since 2010, this ... -
Effect of Debt Finance on Financial Performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Maara Sub-county, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya
(Science Publishing Group, 2017-08-03)Debt financing is the acquisition of funds through borrowing. Most Sacco’s results into borrowing to finance their increased customer’s demands thus increasing the leverage if not controlled. This study determined the ... -
Effectiveness of Commercial Banks’ Strategies on the Frequency of Customers’ ATM Card Usage: A Case of Commercial Banks in Embu West District, Kenya
(Science Publishing Group, 2017-10)The emergence of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) has caused the greatest transformation in the banking industry. Its introduction significantly revolutionized the practice of banking by availing accessibility on a 24-hour ... -
Aqua-Feed Wastes: Impact on Natural Systems and Practical Mitigations—A Review
(2020-12)Dietary composition of aquaculture feeds (aquafeeds) determines the quality of wastes from aquaculture production systems. These wastes, which are derived mainly from nitrogenous and phosphorus ... -
The Nutritive Value and PalatabilityofSelected Browse Forages Mixtures from Arid and Semi-Arid Area of KenyaWhen Fed to Growing Small East African Goats
(2020-03)In thisstudy the chemical composition, in vitro drymatter digestibility(IVDMD)and palatabilityof five browse foragemixtures were studied. The five foragemixtures were selected based ontheir nutritive value and IVDMDand ... -
Protein Quality of Rations for Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Containing Oilseed Meals
(2020)Considering price as the main limiting factor in the use of animal proteins, this study evaluated the protein quality of diets for Nile tilapia containing oilseed meals as replacements of ... -
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Various Soybean Meal Processing Techniques on Protection of Protein from Rumen Degradation
(2019-12)Soybean meal (SBM), an industrial by-product, is a rich source of true proteins for high performing domestic ruminants. Soybean meal, however, is highly degraded in the rumen by the ruminal ... -
Enzyme Assay To Determine Optimum Crude Papain Level On Plant Protein Diets For Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)
(2019-12)This study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition, enzymatic activity and optimum crude papain level incorporation in plant protein based diets for Nile tilapia. The crude papain ... -
Effects of Nutrients Utilization on Feeding Fortified Sweet Potato Vines with Roasted Soy Bean Meal at Different Time Regimes by Dairy Goats
(2019-10)In Kenya, Napier grass (NP) and sweet potato vines (SPV) are some of the main source of feeds for dairy goats in low-inputs farming systems. The two, contains both high moisture and rumen degradable protein (RUP) which ... -
Relationship between School Type and Secondary School Students’ Career Aspirations in Nairobi County, Kenya
(2017-04)This study purposed to investigate how school type was related to career aspirations of secondary school students. Students are admitted into different school types based on the criteria of their marks in ... -
African Indigenous Guidance and Counselling &Child Socialization Agents: Evaluating Aembu peoples’ Perception in the Redeemed Gospel Church, Embu County, Kenya
(2020)The aim of this article is to evaluatethe perception of Pentecostal Christians in regard tothe importance of the indigenous guidance and counselling amongthe Aembu indigenous society. In the latter, they ... -
(2020)Despite the monetary policy intervention in foreign exchange markets by Central bank of Kenya to stabilize the exchange rate and to reverse the growth in the country’s trade deficit through increased ... -
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Paratuberculosis in Cattle and Sheep in Kericho County and Konoin Sub-County, Kenya
(2019-09)A study was carried out to determine the knowledge, attitude and practices towards bovine and ovine paratuberculosis by farmers in Kericho County, Kenya. Semi-structured questionnaires were ... -
Performance of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed Diets Containing Blood Meal as a Replacement of Fish Meal
(2016)A 100 days experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding blood meal (BM) as a replacement of fish meal (FM), as the main source of animal protein, on growth rate and economic performance of Nile tilapia in ... -
Effect Of Replacing Fish Meal With Blood Meal OnChemical Composition Of Supplement For NileTilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)
(2016-04)The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect on the nutrientcontent of replacingfish meal (FM) with blood meal (BM) infishsupplement. Three isonitrogenous diets (35% crude protein) wereformulated using FM as the ... -
Effects Of Natural Licks On Feed Intake,Nutrient Digestibility, Milk Productionand Quality In Kenya Alpine Dairy Goatration
(2015-11)Consumption of natural licks is common among domestic animals under natural circumstances,and as a substitute to commercial mineral licks among smallholder livestock keepers in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya, with a believe ... -
Carbon emissions from degraded mangroves of Tudor and Mwache creeks, Mombasa, Kenya
(2015)Climate change is associated with changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. This is accelerated by the degradation and loss of forests through anthropogenic activities, leading to carbon ...