Research Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-214 of 214
(2014-03)Students’admission into different public secondary school types is based on the criteria of their KCPE(Kenya Certificate of Primary Education)marks. There is a lot of stereotyping on “school ... -
Policy Implication of Non-Sterilized and Sterilized Central Bank Intervention on Exchange Rate Volatility in Kenya
(2017)Central bank of Kenya through the monetary policy is required to choose a policy mix that would ensure stable exchange rates by stemming out any excessive volatility in the exchange rate since volatility ... -
The focus marker in Kîîtharaka: Syntax and semantics
(2008-05)This paper investigates a morpheme central to the clausal syntax of Kîîtharaka (SVO, Bantu, E54, Kenyan). The first sections of the paper offer a careful description of three functions of this morpheme, which marks information ... -
An anti-locality restriction on subject wh-phrases in Kîîtharaka
(2011-04)This paper investigates the syntactic restrictions on subject wh-questions in Kîîtharaka, an SVO Bantu language spoken in Kenya (Code E54, according to the classification by Guthrie). Subject wh-phrases exhibit two closely ... -
Categorizing adpositions in Kˆıˆıtharaka
(2007-01)In this paper, I discuss the categorial status of Kˆıˆıtharaka adpositions. I demonstrate that there are two main classes of adpositions (to be referred to as Class A and Class B). Class A adpositions are syntactic heads ... -
(2005)This paper explores question formation in Kitharaka (E54; Bantu; Kenyan) within the crosslinguistic approach developed in Sabel (2000, 2002, 2003). According to Sabel, variation in the positioning of wh-phrases in languages ... -
The focus particle in Kiitharaka
(2006)In this paper we argue that Kˆ ıˆ ıtharaka in situ and ex situ object focus constructions are exhaustive. Sentences with a preverbal focus marker are argued to be nonexhaustive. Ourconclusionsarebasedonfelicityinmention- ... -
The union spell-out principle
(2010-01)This paper argues that grammar has a union spell-out mechanism that dictates that contiguous heads be spelled out by a single morpheme/phrase if there exists a morpheme/phrase in the lexicon with a collection of the features ... -
Efficacy of Mangrove (Rhizophora Mucronata) Roots Powder in Adsorption of Lead (II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions: Equilibrium and Kinetics Studies
(2016-08)The removal of Pb (II) ions by adsorption onto mangrove roots adsorbent was investigated in this present paper. The removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions was investigated in batch mode which involved the study of ... -
Equilibrium and Kinetics Studies for the Adsorption of Aqueous Cu (II) ions onto Mangroves Biomass
(2013)In this study, adsorption of copper from aqueous solutions was investigated using mangrove biomass from the Kenyan Coast. The efficacy of mangrove biomass on the removal of copper (II) ions from aqueous solutions was ... -
Teachers’ Preparedness in Identification 0f Appropriate Instructional Strategies For Use With Special Needs Pupils in Regular Pre-Schools in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(2020)Children with special needs are found in all ages and class levels within the school system. What is of concern is their school performance most of which is below average since they have some difficulties that affect ... -
African Philosophy of Education: Analysis of the Neglected Ideals of Nyerere’s Ujamaa
(2017)The ideals of education in Ujamaa philosophy as enunciated by Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the founder president of Tanzania, are neglected phenomena in African education. In about fifty decades of offering education in Africa, ... -
The Challenges Facing Adult and Continuing Education in Kenya
(2016-10)Education in any nation and to individuals within it is very important because education remains a valuable tool for fighting ignorance, disease, squalor and poverty. It is a means to raising enlightened citizenry who ...